With the nature of this mod's downloads, some antiviruses may act up when attempting to download Antibirth. If you've become as enraptured with Isaac as the rest of us and you still want more, we're here to provide our absolute best, and more of it than you've ever dreamed of, all for free. As its zealous modding community has proved, it's only natural that many among us would feel the urge to try to help carry the torch and make it partly our own, but Antibirth was the first and is presently the only Isaac mod to reach deep into the core of Rebirth to enable the depth and scope of a full expansion, aspiring even to the size of the official DLC, Afterbirth.

The Binding of Isaac has had one of the most involved and robust communities of fans around since its initial release and has inspired countless players and developers with its peculiar sensibilities and creative blend of roguelike flavor. A nearly full and original new soundtrack, evocative of classic Isaac.Several new or enhanced features for local cooperative play.Bigger and greater secrets than ever before.A new secret final chapter for Isaac to endure.80+ new enemies to face one after another.18+ new trinkets to swap and strategize with.90+ new collectible items to help Isaac fight.